Asylum Seeker & Refugee Support Network

About The ASR Network

At St Thomas’, we have a network supporting asylum seekers and refugees in Lancaster district (ASR). If you’d like to get involved or join our mailing list, click here.

We work with various local groups, including:

• City of Sanctuary
• Global Link
• East meets West

Midweek Events

We have a range of midweek events, including English language groups, social clubs, and Bible studies. If you’re interested in attending or supporting these, email us at

We particularly encourage local asylum seekers and refugees to attend our social drop in on Wednesdays 1.30-4pm.

What is an ‘Asylum seeker’/’Refugee’?

This document produced by ‘Together Lancashire’ provides a detailed answer.

How To Support

We love welcoming asylum seekers and refugees into the Church. You can read more about how best to do that in Lancaster and St Thomas’ here.

We host a biennial Autumn Fiesta to raise interest and publicity. (You can find out more on our social media pages in September and October).

There are a number of ways to help across Lancaster & Morecambe, whether through helping with English classes, supporting social evenings, or attending events at Lancaster University. Find out more here.

We are always looking for families or individuals who could host a refugee for a 3-6 week period. Full support would be provided. Email us as if you could help in this way.