


“STYLE is St Thomas’ youth community, involving a number of Sunday and mid-week groups for high school-aged young people in the Lancaster area.

We're a generation who want to grow in community, get to know and experience Jesus, and invite others to join in the fun! #LivingWithSTYLE.

And we are a ‘Joshua Generation’, inspired and encouraged by Joshua 1:9:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid: do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Why not join us on a Sunday morning, and get in touch below (or check out our Instagram!) if you’re interested in any of our weekly events!”

Ali Demet, Youth Pastor

Ali Demet

Youth Pastor



Years 6+
9AM — Youth Lounge

We meet in the Youth Lounge (top floor of The Centre) at the start of the 9am service for some breakfast treats, games, fun, Bible thoughts and prayer.

Sunday Style

Years 7-13
11AM — Start in church

We start together in the 11am service with our families (or sat in the front left corner with other STYLErs), before heading across to The Centre.

We hang out all together as Years 7-13, before splitting into two age groups for some discussion, reflection, and prayer.

Style at 7

Last Sunday of the month
Post-7pm Service
Youth Lounge

Once a month, we gather together as many STYLErs as possible for some after 7pm service chat, cake, and reflection on the service. Why not join in?



Lads Huddle
6th Form Huddle — Identity Huddle

“Huddle: a brief gathering… to hear instructions for the next play.” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

Huddles are STYLE at a personal level: a usual group will be made up of lots of space to chill, laugh, chat, ask questions, discuss, and pray together.

If you would like to be part of a Huddle, or get a bunch of people together to start a new one, contact Ali!

Style Live

Every Thursday
6-9pm (Early pick-up/Late drop-off at 7:30)

6pm Youth Club
In Centre: Chill / Tuck / Games / Consoles / Pool / Table Tennis / Crafts & more! Use the entrance up the stairs opposite the car park.

7pm Food
In Main Church: Chat / Starter for 10 / Food

7:30pm Discipleship
Worship band / Bible discussion / Prayer