
A Climate Emergency

In February 2021, we declared a climate emergency.

We live in a beautiful world. As Christians, we believe that our planet is the good gift of a loving Creator who has given us the natural world to look after, to steward, and to nurture. When we do this, we connect with God’s good creative purposes for us.

Stewardship of God’s creation has been a primary calling upon God’s people since the earliest pages of Genesis. But human activity is causing severe degradation of this world.

What We Believe

  1. The world is facing a severe crisis of environmental degradation and climate change that affects our ability to sustain human civilisation in its present form;

  2. The main cause of the crisis is human activity;

  3. The crisis is inextricably linked to global injustices and inequality;

  4. The crisis indicates a failure of human beings to follow God’s mandate to care for the world and to seek justice among its peoples.

What We’re Doing

As a church we have formed an ‘Eco-Church Team’ to help us take responsibility for the climate crisis through:

  • Theological Reflection;

  • Raising Awareness - sign up for our newsletter!;

  • Achieving Eco-Church Awards (we have already achieved the Bronze award - see below);

  • Becoming Carbon Neutral by 2030 (in line with the decision of the Church of England General Synod)

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