Mission Partners

In addition to local community engagement, individuals at St Thomas’ collectively have links with nearly 100 mission agencies around the world, through friendship, financial support and prayer.

St Thomas’ has adopted a small number of these friends and agencies as Mission Partners, whom we support regularly as a church. We pray for them, share their news, and help support them financially. We particularly value indigenous mission, which means supporting individuals who are working in their own nation.

We also offer support to those on short term mission projects each year. Download the application form at the bottom if this could be you!

  • Romi Tandukar

    Romi Tandukar is an indigenous mission partner based in Kathmandu, Nepal. She works for Ambassadors Football to bring hope and faith in her community, using the medium of sport.

  • Christian Restoration Ministries

    Children of Hope is the UK part of the small Ugandan based charity Christian Restoration Ministries. Their mission is to break the cycle of poverty by empowering children through education, healthcare and vocational training.

  • Imran

    Imran works with OM (Overflowing Mercy) foundation in South Asia. He is responsible for sports outreach within their team, serving at all levels of sport with training, tournaments and activities.

  • Robinson Family

    The Robinson family are based at St Thomas’s and Keith and Jacqueline work for Wycliffe Bible Translators to support the overall mission of WBT which is to see all people having access to God’s word in a language they understand.

  • Martin Bateman and Claire Lunn-Rockliffe

    Martin and Claire are based at St Thomas’s and head up the work of Ambassadors Football UK. They work in partnership with local churches to use football for community outreach, especially amongst disadvantaged communities in Great Britain and around the world.

  • Education For Life

    Education for Life work in Mombasa, Kenya and show God’s love by providing education, feeding programmes and an orphanage to meet the physical and spiritual needs of children and young people. The team heading the work include Glyn and Jane Davies and Maureen Clayton.

  • Steve Cowles

    Steve Cowles works as a volunteerPolice Chaplain throughout Lancashire. He has access to staff and those detained in cells in police stations, to offer support and encouragement, and can share the hope and the good news of Jesus within this vital public service

  • Dhan

    Dhan is the principal of the Himalyan Bible School based in Mussoorie, India at the foothills of the Himalayas. His passion is for training disciples to enable them to evangelise the many mountain communities not reached by the Gospel of Jesus. He works towards sustaining communities through different business and work opportunities whilst modeling the Christian life to those involved.

  • R&M, Middle East

    Our partners in the Middle East are a family with three children who are a part of a small multinational team that prioritise prayer as they serve marginalised and remote people groups in various ways to see God’s kingdom established.


    NISCU is a charity that works in primary and secondary schools, sharing the gospel through assemblies, lessons, clubs and other means. Debbie, Diana, Sarah and Jonny are our local schools workers in North Lancashire; they cover an area including 67 primary schools and 9 high schools, many of whom they visit on a regular basis or who use their online resources.

  • Friends International

    Friends International work with local churches to share Christ with international students, through friendship, hospitality, and Bible studies. The Lancaster team is Sally Miller and Skyler Ehly.

  • African Christian Family

    The family we are supporting through Church Mission Society live in a busy market town in the mountains of Africa, they are involved in community projects and discipleship, they long to see the love of Christ transforming communities and families in a region where most have never even heard of Him.

  • Lyrics and Lunch

    Lyrics and Lunch creates warm and welcoming communities for people living with dementia and their carers. We have fun and stir memories through music and singing, enjoy sharing food together and running it all is the love and care of God.

Short Term Mission

Each year the Mission support team uses 10% of its budget to fund short term mission trips. These can be overseas or UK based. Applications must be made to the mission support team in writing before their quarterly meeting and prior to the trip. See application form for further details.


Tearfund is a UK relief and development agency that works through local churches to reach those in greatest need throughout the world. St Thomas’s is a long term supporter of their work and we have an annual Tearfund Sunday and collection which usually raises in excess of £10,000.